Wednesday, June 1, 2016

培根蛋芝士汉堡 Bacon, Egg and Cheese Burger

培根---1 片
鸡蛋---1 颗
芝士---1 片
洋葱---1/2 个(切成圈状)
生菜---1 片
番茄---1/2 个(切片)
牛油---2 茶匙

  1. 把汉堡包一分为二,两面涂上牛油后,稍微煎香后取出备用。
  2. 把培根煎至香脆,洋葱稍微煎香后取出。
  3. 用锅中培根的油煎一颗荷包蛋。
  4. 于汉堡包上依序排上生菜,荷包蛋,番茄,洋葱,芝士和培根即可。

Bacon---1 slice
Egg---1 nos
Cheese---1 slice
Onion---1/2 nos(Ring form)
Lettuce---1 pc
Tomato---1/2 nos(Sliced)
Butter---2 tsps

  1. Divide the bun into two horizontally, spread some butter on both sides and slightly heat it.
  2. Pan-fry the bacon til crispy, slightly pan-fry the onion til fragrant. Dish out and set aside.
  3. Fry a sunny-side up using the leftover oil in the pan.
  4. Layer the bun with lettuce, sunny side up, tomato, onion, cheese and bacon. Ready to serve.

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